Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Exorcist II: The Heretic (1979)

I had never seen this flick before which made it hard to pass up for only $3.99 while bargain shopping at Ross recently. It took me a few sittings to finish watching this one in its entirety, but i am glad i did. My life just seems more complete now.

Director John Boorman (Deliverance) provides a visually impressive feature with striking special effects for 1979. The music composed by accomplished soundtrack virtuoso, Ennio Morricone, add both eerieness and suspense and sometimes even sound ethereal. James Earl Jones keeps it real as an African who was formerly possessed by the same demon, Pazuzu, that got Regan in the first Exorcist film (and still has a hold on her). Now the heat is on Father Lamont (R.I.P Father Merrin played by Max von Sydow) to exercise Regan again. Good luck.

This movie is generally panned by my horror-head friends and respected film critics alike, however Martin Scorsese went against the grain in saying, "The Heretic surpasses [the original]....the film deserved better than it got." (Maybe he said that after his The Last Temptation of Christ (1988) was banned in some states...)

This film is not as terrifying as William Friedkin's original and my mom probably wouldn't be as traumatized by watching it with me as she was that one. I might have to give this one another go with her.

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